
Basic Grammar

Course Overview

HTML is a good Language


Introduction of English language essential skills

Understanding Listening | Reading | Writing | Speaking Skills

Verbal aptitude

Grammar Skills

Parts of Speech

What are verbs?

Understanding verb

adjectives and adverb types

Knowledge of Gerund and infinite Gerund

What is sentences and types of sentences

Declarative sentence

Imperative sentence

Interrogative sentence

Exclamatory sentence

How to use sentence

When to use sentence

Examples of Prepositions


Parts of speech vs parts of sentence

What is conditional and types of conditional

Vocabulary Training

Written practices

Error Discussion

Improve the Confidence


Clarity in Accent

Soft Skills

Word stress and sentence stress

Presentation Practice

Email and Letter Writing

Conversation Practice

Body language

Preparation for Group Discussion

Stand-alone speech

Telephone conversation

Video Conference Practice

Preparation for every day activity

Resume Preparation

Interview Preparation